A Journey Beginning In 1969...
Mahe Shipping has deep roots in the history of merchant shipping in the Indian Ocean. In November 1969, the first shares were issued. 92.1% of the equity was held by Transport Investments Shipping, a consortium of eleven shipping lines from six European countries: Compagnie General Maritime and Delmas of France, British India Steam Navigation, British & Commonwealth Investments, Hall Line and Charente Steamship Company of Britain, Deutsche Ost-Afrika Linie of Germany, Nedlloyd of Netherlands, Norwegian America Line and Scandinavian East Africa Line of Norway & Compagnie Maritime Belge of Belgium.
The balance of shares was held by Tony Bentley-Buckle, Noel Bentley-Buckle, Richard Bainbridge and Helen Stead. Later, Tony Bentley-Buckle, Chairman and founder of Southern Line of East Africa, acquired 49% of the shareholding with the balance held by Transport Investments Shipping Ltd. His life story is told in the book "Through Albert's Eyes" (The British Navy at War and Peace Book 2). Mahe Shipping was originally based at what was then known as Union Lighterage Building in Royal Street. The building was later renamed Shipping House, and the street became Revolution Avenue after the coup d’état of 1977. The first accounts of Mahe Shipping covering the period from incorporation to 30 June 1970 showed a healthy profit of £16,500 from shipping commissions, but the company did not commence shipping agency until February 1971. Mahe Shipping acquired the shipping agencies of the company’s shareholders and went on to acquire many others; logistics services were also offered to local companies and individuals.
Key Dates
Memorandum of Association signed on 12 December, but company remains dormant. 1969 Shares allocated and business commences with agencies of Shell and Southern Line. 1971 Air Mahe and Bunson Travel registered; 86% ULC purchased. 1972 Captain James Harwood appointed Managing Director. Shipping agency commences. 1979 Liquid Air (Seychelles) registered. 1981 Seychelles Government acquires ULC and Mackenzies warehouse. 1984 Adrian Skerrett appointed Managing Director. 1985 Company enters the courier market as agents for TNT 1994 Gerry Adam appointed Managing Director. 1997 Investment in 33.3% of Silhouette Cruises. 1998 Mahe Shipping becomes a part of the Corvina Investment Company Group. 2013 Caroline Cetoupe and Joe Morin appointed directors, the latter also Chief Executive Officer. 2016 Investment in 50% of Pro Archives Systemes, managed by Peter Lalande. 2018 Guy Adam retires and Jean-Francois Adam is appointed as a director. 2019 Joe Morin appointed Managing Director. 2019 50th anniversary of the first share issue in the company is celebrated and a new book is launched “Seychelles, Ships and the Sea” to commemorate the occasion. 2021 Head Office moves to newly constructed premises close to the port area, at The Wheelhouse, Veloutier Road, New Port, Victoria 2022 Gitanne Gendron retires as a director after a lifetime of service to the company. Jean Weeling-Lee also retires, replaced by Rod Thorrington |